Mission For Migrants 2021 Charity Lottery Draw!

Every year, the Mission For Migrant Workers holds it annual fundraising event raising funds for the continuation of its work for the service of migrants in distress. This nonprofit charity institution is taking care of vulnerable and abused migrant workers from different nationalities that come in every day. The past couple of years have been particularly challenging because of the pandemic. Demands for the Mission’s services increased because the situation of the migrants had worsened.

Their 2020 Charity Lottery Draw was a big success, raising the funds necessary to keep the institution running and cater for the needs of migrants. This year, the Mission’s ultimate goal is to again raise funds for the expansion and stretching of capability to help more migrant women experiencing destitution. We humbly ask that you join us supporting the Mission’s work by buying raffle tickets through us on our collections and deliveries over the next month and helping us sell them to your friends, families, companies and communities!

The raffle draw date is Dec 19, 2021. This year’s prizes are listed below! Should you win but prefer to donate your prizes back to the homeless, we would be very happy to assist you.

Thank you for your continued support of migrants and the homeless. If you would like to buy raffle tickets through Home Kong Kitchen, please contact us by email or WhatsApp/ Signal on 64092877. You may also contact the Mission For Migrant Workers directly via their website or facebook page.